Quick Reference

This is a list of the changes for each JSON object type and its properties that need to be made when transforming from the JSON data model to the RDF data model.

Where the value of a property is a nested object in JSON, unless otherwise stated, this object is converted into an instance with a relevant rdf:type value, and the value of the property is the URI of this instance (or blank node identifier).

For more detail about the differences, see the Data Model documentation.



  • statementId: renamed to statementIdString; and the value is used for the URI for the Statement instance.
  • statementDate: unchanged.
  • annotations: becomes annotation.
  • publicationDetails: removed; nested properties are flattened so bodsVersion, license, publicationDate and publisher are on the Statement. Value of publisher is an Agent.
  • source: unchanged.
  • declaration: value is a Declaration instance.
  • declarationSubject: moved to Declaration instance.
  • recordId: moved to a RecordDetails instance and renamed to recordIdString; and the value is used for the URI of the RecordDetails instance.
  • recordType: removed; use to generate the rdf:type value for the RecordDetails instance.
  • recordStatus: removed; use to generate the rdf:type value for the Statement instance.
  • recordDetails: the value is the URI of a RecordDetails instance.

Record details (entity)

These go from a nested object under recordDetails on Statement to an instance with an rdf:type of Entity.

  • isComponent: removed.
  • entityType: value is an instance of an EntityType (generated from the entityType codelist).
  • entityType/subtype: flattened to entitySubtype; value is an instance of an EntitySubtype (generated from the entitySubtype codelist).
  • entityType/details: flattened to entityTypeDetails.
  • unspecifiedEntityDetails: removed; use an instance of UnspecifiedRecord instead.
  • name: unchanged.
  • alternateNames: becomes alternateName.
  • jurisdiction: unchanged.
  • identifiers: becomes identifier.
  • foundingDate: unchanged.
  • dissolutionDate: unchanged.
  • addresses: becomes address.
  • uri: unchanged.
  • publicListing: removed; nested properties are flattened to hasPublicListing, companyFilingsURL and securitiesListing.
  • formedByStatute: removed; nested properties are flattened to formedByStatuteName and formedByStatuteDate.

Record details (person)

These go from a nested object under recordDetails on Statement to an instance with an rdf:type of Person.

  • isComponent: removed.
  • personType: value is an instance of a PersonType (generated from the personType codelist).
  • unspecifiedPersonDetails: removed; use an instance of UnspecifiedRecord instead.
  • names: becomes name.
  • identifiers: becomes identifier.
  • nationalities: becomes nationality.
  • placeOfBirth: unchanged.
  • birthDate: unchanged.
  • deathDate: unchanged.
  • taxResidencies: becomes taxResidency.
  • addresses: becomes address.
  • politicalExposure: value is the identifier for a PoliticalExposure instance.
  • politicalExposure/status: replaced with pepStatus, the value for which is an instance of PEPStatus.

Record details (relationship)

These go from a nested object under recordDetails on Statement to an instance with an rdf:type of Relationship.

  • isComponent: removed.
  • componentRecords: removed.
  • subject: the value goes from a recordId string to the URI of an instance.
  • interestedParty: the value goes from a recordId string to the URI of an instance.
  • interests: becomes interest; the value goes from a nested object to the URI of an instance.


In JSON we use a nested object to describe an unspecified person or entity. This is replaced with the UnspecifiedRecord class which is a subclass of RecordDetails (like Person and Entity).

  • reason: unchanged; value is an instance from the codelist.
  • description: unchanged.


  • type: removed; use a rdf:type with a class.
  • directOrIndirect: unchanged; value is an instance from the codelist.
  • beneficialOwnershipOrControl: unchanged.
  • details: unchanged.
  • share: removed; nested properties are flattened to shareExact, shareMaximum, shareExclusiveMinimum, shareExclusiveMaximum.
  • startDate: unchanged.
  • endDate: unchanged.



  • type: removed; use a rdf:type with a class.
  • address: renamed to streetAddress.
  • postCode: unchanged.
  • country: unchanged, but the value is a Jurisdiction.


  • statementPointerTarget: unchanged.
  • creationDate: unchanged.
  • createdBy: value is an Agent instance.
  • motivation: unchanged; value is an instance from the codelist.
  • description: unchanged.
  • transformedContent: unchanged.
  • url: unchanged.


Removed and replaced with Jurisdiction throughout.


  • id: renamed to idString.
  • scheme: unchanged.
  • schemeName: unchanged.
  • uri: unchanged.


  • name: unchanged.
  • code: unchanged.


  • type: removed; use a rdf:type with a class.
  • fullName: unchanged.
  • familyName: unchanged.
  • givenName: unchanged.
  • patronymicName: unchanged.


Renamed to PoliticalExposure.

  • reason: renamed to pepStatusReason.
  • missingInfoReason: unchanged.
  • jurisdiction: renamed to pepJurisdiction.
  • startDate: unchanged.
  • endDate: unchanged.
  • source: unchanged.


Removed and flattened onto Entity (nested property names unchanged, except for companyFilingsURLs which becomes companyFilingsURL).


Removed and flattened onto Statement.


Renamed to Agent for use in other places.

  • name: renamed to agentName.
  • url: renamed to agentUri.


  • marketIdentifierCode: unchanged.
  • operatingMarketIdentifierCode: unchanged.
  • stockExchangeJurisdiction: unchanged.
  • stockExchangeName: unchanged.
  • security: renamed to securityId; convert the nested object into an instance of SecuritiesIdentifier (which is a subclass of Identifier with the additional property of ticker).


Removed and flattened onto Interest. Note property names are prefixed with share* for clarity.


  • type: removed; use a rdf:type with a class.
  • description: unchanged.
  • url: unchanged.
  • retrievedAt: unchanged.
  • assertedBy: nested object is replaced with Agent instance.


Where codelists are converted into instances, capitalise the code and prefix it with the namespace https://vocab.openownership.org/codelists# (prefixed codes:) to create a URI. Use this URI as the value where a string of the code would be used in the JSON format. The following codelists are part of the vocabulary as instances:

  • annotationMotivation: values become instances of the AnnotationMotivation class
  • directOrIndirect: values become instances of the DirectOrIndirect class
  • entityType: values become instances of the EntityType class
  • entitySubtype: values become instances of the EntitySubtype class
  • personType: values become instances of the PersonType class
  • securitiesIdentifierSchemes: values become instances of SecuritiesIdentifierScheme class
  • unspecifiedReason: values become instances of the UnspecifiedReason class

Where codelists are converted into classes, capitalise the code and prefix it with the namespace https://vocab.openownership.org/terms# (prefixed bods:) to create a URI. Use this as the rdf:type value for an instance which, as a JSON object, would have had a property pointing to the string of the code. The following codelists are part of the vocabulary as classes:

  • addressType: the values become subclasses of Address
  • interestType: the values become subclasses of Interest
  • nameType: the values become subclasses of Name
  • recordStatus: the values new, updated and closed are converted to NewRecordStatement, UpdatedRecordStatement and ClosedRecordStatement respectively, as subclasses of Statement.
  • recordType: the values become as subclasses of RecordDetails.
  • sourceType: the values become subclasses of Source

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