Converting data

BODS v0.4 JSON data can be converted to RDF in line with the data model described here.

While the code in this repository converts the schema into an RDF vocabulary, the code and the quick reference may serve as a useful starting point for any data conversion scripts.


@prefix stmt: <> .
@prefix rec: <> .
@prefix decl: <> .
@prefix bods: <> .

_:gb a bods:Jurisdiction;
	bods:jurisdictionName "United Kingdom";
	bods:code "GB" .

_:pub1 bods:publisherName "Profitech Ltd" .

_:declaration1 a bods:Declaration;
	bods:declarationSubject rec:c359f58d2977 .

_:id1 a bods:Identifier;
    	bods:scheme "GB-COH";
    	bods:idString "2063384560" .

	stmt:1dc0e987-5c57-4a1c-b3ad-61353b66a9b7 a bods:NewRecordStatement;
        	bods:statementDate "2020-03-04"^^xsd:dateTime;
        	bods:publicationDate "2020-03-04"^^xsd:dateTime;
        	bods:version "0.4";
        	bods:publisher _:pub1;
        	bods:recordDetails rec:c359f58d2977 .

	rec:c359f58d2977 a bods:Entity;
    	   	bods:recordIdString "c359f58d2977";
    	   	bods:entityType bods:RegisteredEntity;
    	   	bods:entityName "Profitech Ltd";
    	   	bods:foundingDate "2019-09-03"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	   	bods:identifier _:id1 .


_:name1 a bods:LegalName;
	bods:fullName "Jennifer Hewitson-Smith";
	bods:giveName "Jennifer";
	bods:familyName "Hewitson-Smith" .

_:name2 a bods:AlternativeName;
	bods:fullName "Jenny Hewitson-Smith" .

_:addr1 a bods:ServiceAddress;
	bods:address "76 York Road Bournemouth";
	bods:postCode "BH81 3L0";
	bods:country _:gb .

	stmt:019a93f1-e470-42e9-957b-03559861b2e2 a bods:NewRecordStatement;
    	bods:statementDate "2020-03-04"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	bods:publicationDate "2020-03-04"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	bods:version "0.4";
    	bods:publisher _:pub1;
    	bods:recordDetails rec:10478c6cf6de .

	rec:10478c6cf6de a bods:Person;
    	bods:personType bods:KnownPerson;
    	bods:nationality _:gb;
    	bods:personName _:name1, name2;
    	bods:birthDate "1978-07"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	bods:address _:addr1 .

	stmt:fbfd0547-d0c6-4a00-b559-5c5e91c34f5c a bods:NewRecordStatement;
    	bods:statementDate "2020-03-04"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	bods:publicationDate "2020-03-04"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	bods:version "0.4";
    	bods:publisher _:pub1;
    	bods:recordDetails rec:93b53022ae6a .

	rec:93b53022ae6a a bods:Relationship;
    	bods:subject rec:c359f58d2977;
    	bods:interestedParty rec:10478c6cf6de;
    	bods:interest _:interest1 .

	_:interest1 a bods:Interest;
    	bods:interestType bods:Shareholding;
    	bods:beneficialOwnershipOrControl "true"^^xsd:boolean;
    	bods:startDate "2016-04-06"^^xsd:dateTime;
    	bods:shareExact "100" .

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